Sunday, February 20, 2011


Mornings and days are very bad times for me. It's light and distracting outside and my brain isn't slightly fuzzy with the idea of sleep and the constant reminder of the clock as it ticks down to bedtime. I score nearly perfect on my practice SATs at night, but don't do so hot in the afternoon or morning. I'm pragmatic during the day and a dreamer at night. For example, I just had the greatest idea for an art project involving a photo that I took in New York. I just e-mailed a person at The Moth to try and start a storytelling night live without notes in my area. I've been thinking about how cool it would be to lead a book club with some of my classmates, and even written a detailed list of the first fifteen books we would read. It needs to be nighttime all the time for Ms. Zoe, or I wouldn't get anything done! I'm also about to start up a tumbler- sorry blogger, it's the hip new thing. It's not up yet, but I'll probably relocate my posts next month. I'm off to continue my nighttime high, goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. bwahahahahahahahaa.

    that is all. we need to hang out more post-sunset. i agree.
