Sunday, October 10, 2010


My friend Emily is a YouTube phenom who wrote and performed a new song called 'How Come All the Hot Guys are Potheads?' on her channel. It is wonderful, true, and thought provoking. The lyric 'My dream boat is sinking- it OD'd on your new meds' truly spoke to me.
Why do all the hot guys do drugs!!! I've got a theory. First we need to assume that drug use is caused by biological, psychological, and social factors- Biological factors being the most important since looks are also hereditary. So if someone has two good looking parents who do drugs they are also likely to be good looking and do drugs.
Then we have to make a bit of a leap and assume that good looking people are more popular. This isn't too far off considering social people respond positively to good looking people (anti-social people respond more strongly and negatively to poor looking people). Social factors in drug use are mainly peer pressure, and assuming that pretty people have a lot of peers than they are more likely to have pressure.
Psychological is the hardest. The psychological factors include psychological disorders and a lack of purpose. This could be passed on like the good looking traits due to poor parenting, but this is most likely unrelated to looks and instead influences the subculture drug use.
Okay, I'm done. Here's the video- it's a tad bit hard to understand, but if you go to the YouTube version there are lyrics. Beautiful, funny, and insightful lyrics.

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