Monday, October 18, 2010


My absolute favorite scientist- for no other reason than his bashful personality, lovely oxford accent, and wonderful stories- Oliver Sacks, and the famous portrait painter Chuck Close are both face blind. They can't remember faces- even their own. Radiolab did an amazing short on these two men that I think you should listen to. It has a lot of deep commentary, with a little humor and wit on the side. My favorite part is when Oliver says, "There are other things besides human beings..." that was great; Chuck is also hysterical- he talks a lot about the humor in his neurological condition, which makes his take on the disease very appealing
It's also interesting seeing the artist and the scientist talk about the different ways that they deal with the condition. I've always thought that scientists and artists are wildly similar- we're obsessive people. Chuck and Oliver are obviously both deep thinkers, who have analysed themselves and how they deal with there conditions.
Anyway, you'll hear when you listen...

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