Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have this thing for red heads. It first started to become obvious when I was four years old and obsessed with the kids show Madeline, which stared a little ginger orphan (how original). I always wanted to dye my hair red (not an odd request considering my neighbors were hair dressers and dyed their own daughters hair My Little Pony pink), but my mother, a natural born redhead, always refused. She said that it was the worst color of hair to grow up with, and that she didn't want me to go threw the same torment she endured. Of course, this is a preposterous excuse. Dying your hair red is seen as daring and sexy, while being born with it is more like a curse. Ridiculous, yes?
My zealous love for red heads hasn't changed. My inspiration folder (Yes, I have an inspiration folder :b) is disproportionately ginger, and whenever I list my favorite anything it has two MC1R Chromosome (yes I did slip in a genetics reference. I'm so good at being nerdy). My favorite cartoon is Jessica Rabbit. My favorite singer is Florence Welch. My favorite band is Chester French. My favorite actress is Christina Hendricks. It's like my love for red hair is making all of my decisions for me!
And I'm not alone! University of Rochester did a study on how the color red effects our perception of peoples attractiveness. Women and men are both attracted to the opposite sex when they are wearing red. It supposedly gives an air of prosperity and elevated status. Now whenever I do something important like an interview or a speech, I wear my favorite red dress. It hasn't let me down yet! RED STUDY.

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